You are the average of 5000 idiots on the Internet

Much like an AI model, your brain is incredibly elastic and constantly shaped by external inputs. Hence, the old adage: you're the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Today, though, your primary influences aren't friends—they're online. 

And unfortunately, the internet is mostly populated by idiots.

Idiots spewing pointless, algorithm-amplified slop directly into your brain. Sure, there are brilliant minds online, but they're drowned out by overwhelming idiocy. Scroll through your own social media or group chats: cliché quotes, irrelevant celebrity videos, arbitrary coffee rankings, superficial geopolitical takes—none of it adds real value. Your primal brain might briefly enjoy this junk, but your conscious self recognizes its emptiness, and your mental and cognitive health pay the price.

Just take a look at this sampling of my social media and group chat feeds, and assess if there's any ounce of value or relevance:

Constantly consuming this mindless content inevitably transforms you into another attention-deficit, media-addicted idiot. Just as 24/7 cable TV scrambled past generations' brains, today's social media and messaging apps do it faster and more aggressively.

Want to avoid turning into an idiot?

Be extremely selective about your mental diet. Avoid or heavily filter default internet junk. Unfollow, mute, or rage quit platforms and group chats that endlessly push shallow content without your consent. Instead, actively seek relevant, insightful, challenging content from genuine experts—usually found in books, essays, newsletters, or thoughtful films. A good sign you're consuming quality content: it's harder, because it's working your brain.

Prioritize quality over quantity; depth over breadth. Spend less time glued to your screen and more exploring the real world—walking, talking, thinking, creating, and experiencing life firsthand, without incessant, idiotic commentary.

You can shield yourself from idiocy or join its ranks. The choice is yours.


1. I use “idiots” not to insult, but simply as a blunt descriptor. If intelligence is unevenly or normally distributed, the majority of the world are idiots relatively speaking. And because of their scale, free time, Dunning-Kruger, and craving for recognition, they are even more overrepresented on the Internet. And every one of us, including someone seemingly as smart as Elon Musk, is part idiot too, in more domains and mental states than not. The mass internet and social media are incentivized and designed to draw out the idiots and idiot self in all of us, both as creators and consumers, to maximize scale and engagement.

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