Survival of the fittest universe
I wrote earlier about the absurdity of reality . But paradoxically, this absurdity operates according to strict and predictable laws and mathematical formulae, like gravity, electromagnetism, or thermodynamics. Why these laws? Who or what defined them? Consider evolution: No one sat down and designed creatures, yet living beings have intricately fine-tuned features—eyes, wings, intelligence—purely because only those possessing useful traits survived to reproduce. Evolution doesn’t create; it filters. What if the universe works similarly, not designed but naturally selected? Imagine infinite primordial landscape of universes, each born from some cosmic chaos, each bearing their own randomly tossed dice of laws. In most of these universes, randomness reigns supreme. Gravity randomly fluctuates, electromagnetism never stabilizes, quantum effects rip reality apart before atoms even form. They never become "universes" as we understand them—more fleeting sparks, ephemeral and chaot...