You are the average of 5000 idiots on the Internet

Much like an AI model, your brain is incredibly elastic and constantly shaped by external inputs. Hence, the old adage: you're the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Today, though, your primary influences aren't friends—they're online. And unfortunately, the internet is mostly populated by idiots. Idiots spewing pointless, algorithm-amplified slop directly into your brain. Sure, there are brilliant minds online, but they're drowned out by overwhelming idiocy. Scroll through your own social media or group chats: cliché quotes, irrelevant celebrity videos, arbitrary coffee rankings, superficial geopolitical takes—none of it adds real value. Your primal brain might briefly enjoy this junk, but your conscious self recognizes its emptiness, and your mental and cognitive health pay the price. Just take a look at this sampling of my social media and group chat feeds, and assess if there's any ounce of value or relevance: Constantly consuming this min...