Stubborn on Vision

Many boo-ed and ridiculed Zuckerberg when he pivoted the company to VR and pummelled billions of dollars into it. The lukewarm reception of Oculus and Quest added fuel to their naysaying. 

But that didn't stop Zuck. Today, after years of persistence, criticism, and perceived failures, Meta launched a product and form factor that is showing this vision has legs to be as ubiquitous as smartphones, and perhaps even more useful. 

If you take a step back, the vision is easy to get behind - of course, it'd be much better to augment reality with digital artifacts instead of staring into 5-inch phones. Of course! And the company that invents it would herald a significant platform shift and can benefit immensely, as Apple has from smartphones. The challenges are mainly capital for R&D and technical feasibility, which Meta has realized through many iterations. 

It is better to follow difficult but obviously true and impactful visions, than easy but low-conviction pursuits. But it takes an extraordinary amount of risk tolerance, grit, and execution prowess to pull it off. Kudos to Zuck for pursuing such a vision, and persisting. 


1. Pun intended! 

2. Just bought some Meta stock.