Enjoy Life
I distinctly remember this anecdote from Stephen Covey that I read many years ago. At a workshop, a troubled participant approached him and confided that he and his wife weren't in love anymore. He desperately needed help to save his marriage. Stephen Covey's advice was simple: "Love is a verb. Love – the feeling – is the fruit of love, the verb or our loving actions. So love her. Sacrifice. Listen to her. Empathize. Appreciate. Affirm her." Covey's reframe is powerful. He changed love from something that just happens to people to something they can deliberately do. I think the same advice applies to the universal goal and challenge of enjoying life. If you want your life to be more enjoyable, you must enjoy life. Enjoy is a verb. It's a choice, a mindset, and a way of living, thinking, and acting. In fact, the word enjoy originates from the French word "enjoier", which means "to give joy" or "to take delight in". It is a s...