15 minutes in Disneyland
Do you feel pulled in many directions? Do you find it hard to pick between different choices? Do you feel like you want to be at many places and doing many things at once? Do you have a nagging feeling that you are missing out?
Of course, why wouldn't you?!
The world is like a gigantic Disneyland. There are so many rides, games to play, places to see, things to experience and do, and people to meet. Unlike our parents or generations before, we are uniquely aware of and regularly bombarded with all these different options through the internet and social media.
Our life spans feel pretty short, relative to all that can be seen and done. It feels as if we have only 15 mins to spend in Disneyland.
So how do we deal with the FOMO and figure out which rides to take?
1) It is OK!
You can't do all of it, not even close. No one can. That's by design. Most other species experience a fraction of what an average human does. Even kings in the past probably experienced a fraction of what a common person can today. So be grateful and okay with it! News, movies, and social media trick you into thinking your life is inferior by showing you exaggerated and cherry-picked highlight reels.
It isn't about how many different things you do. It's about relishing whatever you do. My unsubstantiated theory is that you get more from going deep and long-term into a few things rather than moving quickly from one thing to another. Every little thing in the world is fascinating if you pay attention and care. You can be the happiest person in the world in your current situation if you choose to be.
It isn't a competition. Everyone does different things. Some people do more, some do less. We are all different - we grew up differently, have different personalities, are in different situations and phases of life. When you see or hear about other things people do, view it as an interesting or delightful story or insight, not necessarily something you also want to do. Don't compare because it steals your joy and doesn't make sense.
Finally, life isn't that short. We are just impatient, especially when we are younger. 80 years is a long time. So be patient and don't worry about doing it all at once.
2) Choose your rides
Value your time and energy very highly because time and energy are all you have. Ruthlessly prioritize them. Use them, as much as possible, to play your own games. Only do things you want to, or you need to in order to do the things you want to. Drop everything else.
Explore and exploit. It's good to explore and try things - that's how you discover the rides you like and have new adventures. As you figure out what you enjoy and don't, structure your time and pursuits accordingly. Be a satisficer, not a maximizer. Pick very few games and desires at a time.
Don't get caught up in stupid games or desires like status or wealth. Avoid the temptation to trade time for money when you have enough. Warren Buffet would probably trade his entire $100 billion to get his youth back now. Most happy things in life don't cost much.
3) Expand your time
Stay healthy - if you feel like you are 30 when you are in your 50s, you have added 20 years to your life! It is possible. Eat well, exercise, reduce stress, enjoy good company, and have fun. Health also gives you freedom and boldness by giving you the option to restart your life at any point.
Don't spend too much time worrying about the past or future. Don't get caught up in negativity or negative people. Enjoy the present.
Be smart with money. Most people trade the majority of their good life for money and stuff they don't need. Build wealth with leverage instead of just time and keep your expenses low.
Relish the activities you enjoy, but be efficient and smart with the chores and tasks that are a means to an end. Develop systems, invent, and learn to love the process.
Think back and remember your last holiday - to Disneyland or anywhere else. What stands out? The details have probably faded away. The tourist spots that you frantically tried to check off a list don't seem to matter that much, do they? What remains is probably just a few wonderful moments that took your breath away, maybe some surprises or blunders, and definitely silly laughs and adventures with others.