[Book summary] 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

If I had to recommend only one self-help book to anyone, it'd have to be 7 Habits. 

I first read the book when I was in high school. I had a used hard cover version and I remember reading it somewhat seriously, probably to find some advice for more academic success. Some of the concepts helped, but not too much as I didn't have enough experience or hard failings to appreciate the wisdom. I have since re-read it a couple of times and each time, I have appreciated it more and been able to reflect on the habits using my successes and failings. 

As one of my friends put it, 7 Habits is a book to be studied, not just read. You realize the true value of the book when you actually reflect, do the exercises after every chapter, practice the habits and revisit the book every once in a while. This may take many months or even years, but hey - you only need to practice one great self-help book rather than read a hundred and follow nothing. 

Here's the summary of the book from my latest reading. 

All this may seem like a lot and you don't have to do them all at once. You can focus on a few at a time and make continuous improvements. Just start working on them and you'll notice results which will motivate you to do more. 

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