Strengthening the weak muscles

Most of us have a dominant arm that’s stronger and more dexterous. This can be because of genetic, nurture or simply the arm we chose to use as babies. When we have to lift or pull, we naturally use our dominant arm as it’s easier and less painful.

This is true for mental and soft skills as well, but it is not as apparent. For example. some of us are good at problem solving but not so good at collaborating with a team. So when we have to solve a problem, we naturally tend to problem solve individually and not collaboratively.

Using your stronger muscles is easier, but can also limit you to a local maxima. The outcomes can be better if you can use all your muscles or the muscles best suited for the job at hand. Leaning on your strong muscles prevents you from identifying the weak muscles and from developing them, and that can hold you back in the long run. One of my previous managers gave me the feedback that I had gotten far in my career with raw smarts, but if I wanted to get further, I need to be much better organized. 

As with most personal development, the first step is identifying the weak muscles. Self awareness, seeking feedback and watching others who are better perform can help with that. Once you have identified the weaker muscles, developing them need deliberate coaching and practice in a controlled environment where there’s less pressure to perform and more feedback. 

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