You are the average of 5000 idiots on the Internet

Like an AI model, your brain is incredibly elastic and shaped by external inputs. Hence, the old adage that you're the average of the five people you spend the most time. Today, however, your primary inputs aren't your five companions, but rather the internet, where you spend far more time than with anyone in real life. Unfortunately, the broader internet and social media are largely populated by attention-seeking idiots who spew incoherent uninformed nonsense, and grifters who churn out self-serving biased drivel. Attention-harvesting algorithms identify the content with the most mass distraction potential (usually garbage catering to primal instincts or lowest intellectual denominator) and dump them into your brain. Just take a look at my social media feeds, and you'll agree that most content is devoid of intelligence or relevance: I couldn't care less about a cliché Charlie Munger quote, an irrelevant reel of Virat Kohli exiting an airport, some stranger's arbit...